Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Expanding your Business with Vendor Events

It's that time of year again! November has just popped up out of no where, and everyone is gearing up for the Holiday Season. So what does that mean? It's the beginning of Holiday vendor event season as well!

You may have participated in one in the past, either as a vendor or doing a little shopping yourself. Vendor events (or an event where many direct sales reps, crafters, and other businesses showcase their product) seem to be very popular during the holiday season. If you are new to Origami Owl® or looking for a way to expand your current business, vendor events are a great way to do just that. Events allow you the opportunity to meet new faces, and source new leads for sales, parties, and growing your own team.

So how do you find these events? Doing a search online whether it be checking your local newspaper events, Craigslist, or using a search engine is one of the quickest and simplest ways to find events. Don't rule out an event that is coming up soon. They may or may not have a Designer booked, but often times will take your information as a back up for the event if they do.

You can also search Facebook for local and statewide groups used for vendor networking, and notification of new events. One of the best groups I ever joined was a local page for the surrounding counties in my area that only allowed the posting of events. These groups are a great way to find out about what is happening in your area, and they will often post here before beginning advertising elsewhere for the event.

Finally, I always recommend to my designers to network with other direct sales representatives and small business owners. Creating relationships with others is a key part in your business. Often other representatives will work together to help share events, and even coordinate their own starting with those who they know locally.

Most importantly, whether you choose to do one event a year or build your business entirely off of events done weekly or monthly throughout the year, is that you are using the opportunities presented in a most effective manner.  Don't let a booked event get you down! Always ask to be placed on a contact list for future events. Many of the coordinators behind events will email the contacts they have to inform of new events they may be planning and this allows you to have a greater opportunity in booking a future event with them.

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